On 21-st of June 2018 fourteen mountain guides from East and South East Europe have received their IFMGA pin at Ecole Nationale de Ski et Alpinisme (ENSA) in Chamonix from the Director of the Alpinism Department, Francois Marsigny and the IFMGA President Christian Trommsdorff in the presence of some of their instructors and some of the “clients” the aspirants had during their final exams. These fourteen are the first EEMGA fully qualified IFMGA mountain guides, certified by ENSA and trained by an international team of instructors.
The new IFMGA guides are from Romania (6), Bulgaria (3), Greece (3), Cyprus (1) and Georgia (1), two of them are ladies and also the first IFMGA qualified guides in these countries with the exception of Greece.
We, at the East European Mountain Guides Association would like to thank and express our gratitude to all partners who have made it possible for this to happen, namely :
– ENSA who played a central role by making instructors available throughout the program, being alonside from the beginning and in the end certifying the successful candidates.
– The Austrian, Swiss, German, Italian and South Tirolean associations who either contributed instructor time or cash for the project;
– And of course IFMGA itself who has made this “1st generation” program happen and has supported it both politically through the board and technically through the technical commission.
Two IFMGA presidents have taken on board this challenge and saw it through (Christian Trommsdorff and Hanno Doenz) while the TC president Reiner Taglinger steered the training ship over these years.
The examiners for the entry tests were in 2016: Hanno Doenz (Austria), President of the IFMGA, Reiner Taglinger (Germany) President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with VDBS, Kurt Walde (Sudtirol / Italy) Vice-President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with the VSBS, Herbert Mayerhofer (Austria) Instructor with the Austrian Mountain Guides Association, Neil Brodie (France) instructor with the Ecole Nationale de Ski-Alpinisme and in 2017: Christian Trommsdorff (France), President of the IFMGA, Reiner Taglinger (Germany) President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with VDBS, Kurt Walde (Sudtirol / Italy) Vice-President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with the VSBS.
The instructors team was comprised of: Reiner Taglinger (Germany) President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with VDBS, Frederic Gentet (France) instructor with the Ecole Nationale de Ski-Alpinisme, Alberto Ieralla (Italy) Collegio Nazionale Guide Alpine Italiane, Kurt Walde (Sudtirol / Italy) Vice-President of the Technical Comission of the IFMGA and instructor with the VSBS, David Demetz (Sudtirol / Italy) instructor with the VSBS, Pierre Gourdin (France) instructor with the Ecole Nationale de Ski-Alpinisme, Davide Anchieri (Italy) instructor with Collegio Nazionale Guide Alpine Italiane, Peter Jeromel (Slovenia) instructor with the ZGVS and Raul Lora del Cerro (Spain) instructor with the AEGM.
A truly international project run by an international team and delivering an international generation of mountain guides.
The fourteen fully qualified IFMGA Mountain Guides to take part and succeed in this challenge are:
1 Cosmin Andron (Romania)
2 Ilia Berulava (Georgia)
3 Marinidis Charalampos (Greece)
4 Nicolae Durnac (Romania)
5 Catrinel Enache (Romania)
6 Gueorgui Gueorguiev (Bulgaria)
7 Iraklis Moisidis (Greece)
8 Georgi Penev (Bulgaria)
9 Cristina Pogacean (Romania)
10 Mihnea Prundeanu (Romania)
11 Kyriakos Rossidis (Cyprus)
12 Bogdan Rus (Romania)
13 Pavlos Tsiantos (Greece)
14 Viktor Varoshkin (Bulgaria)